Posts Tagged ‘paydex score’

Business Credit Score

May 19, 2010

Most people think that when you get a Paydex score of 80 you can get approved for credit. This is far from true. receiving credit for your business involves more tan and 80 paydex score. It has to do with your file as a whole. A paydex is just a small piece of the puzzle. Your file has to do with your financial risk score,industry,how lendable that industry is and several other things. For example if you are in the industry of real estate you will probably not qualify as easy for credit. This industry is high risk right now because of the whole subprime mortgage scandal. With that example you can get a picture of what I mean.
So this is why building a strong business credit file is important; regardless of industry. But it is a good idea to stay away from high risk industries. This can be googled out. Also you can pull your file not your dun and Bradstreet update to take a look at the dollar amount that the credit Agencies says you qualify for. Hope this clears up the myth of the 80 paydex. For information on how to build up your file correctly and more business credit products visit . Gboogie the King of Business Credit will help you for an affordable price.