Archive for the ‘net 30’ Category

Strategic Network Solutions Reports Net 30 to Experian

July 13, 2010

Strategic Network Solutions is a new company that reports net 30’s to Experian. This company offers a host of services in computer and network technology. This company can be found at or . The coupon code for a discount on purchases is snsgb. Some of the services that are offered are endpoint security,proactive support,business continuity,disaster recovery and more. To find out more about there services the number to call is 818-528-5393 .
One of my favorite services is data recovery. In the event of an unforseen disaster a virtual IT environment and allows you to continue to survive during these times. Though we never think about it until it happens a crash of your IT network can be devastating to your business. Along with this another highlight of this service is unlimited bandwith. Allowing you network to expand as needed with no limitations. Remote access to management system and offsite data back up/restore are a part of this service as well.
Endpoint security is another service that this company offers. Since companies want to protect WAN and LAN points this service makes perfect since in the computer age of technology. Measures such as assessing risk to endpoints,quarantine,access control,and more…All the measures to insure that you IT network environment are safe and secure. Making it easier to sleep at night.
Last but not least, strategic network solutions boast an online store. This online store carries several trusted brands. Brands like Microsoft,apc,apple, hp and several more. So not only can you secure your network but improve your IT system at the same time. Don’t forget to use your coupon code snsgb for a discount when purchasing. Hardware and software are available in the store. They also report to experian so you can build business credit at the same time. Check with Gboogie america for more great company review and business credit information. Until the next time may your business be successful and prosper.

No Money Down Realestate with

May 4, 2010

Everyone has always been fascinated withe the concept of no money down real estate. So called gurus from dave del dotto (from the early 90’s) to carleton sheets, to russ whitney have all had successful creative real estate financing material. The one that always stood out the most was the no money down information. The concept is definitely a valid one and is practiced everyday even by millionaires. It actually applies to more than just real estate. In this short blog type format, i will attempt to explain it. The best way to describe “no money down” from the correct perspective would be to consider your self as a broker. You have no money to invest in, or purchase the property yourself. Your job is to bring to parties together and make a finder’s fee. That what contract flipping is. The purchase price of the property never matters. Your job is to simply negotiate the best price and terms(if possible), and to have a ready made list of potential buyers to shop it to. To make sure it is not sold out from under you, you use a contract. The contract will state how long you have to make the deal. It keeps others from being able to purchase the property unless they buy it from you. There are always signs everywhere that say “We buy houses”. It is very easy to put together a buyers list from the local investors in your area. It takes some time and experience to recognize a good deal, but sometimes you run across properties that are obviously a good deal. If shopped to the right investor, it will give you your start towards stock piling cash to go it alone without investors. In this economy, the best deals are found in rural areas outside your city limits. As the population grows along with the economy, Counties begin to annex these properties(making them apart of the city to supply the city with more tax dollars) Increasing the value. There are many different way to construct a no money down deal. Just always remember, its about creating a win win situation for all. I will leave it on this note for those that still dont understand. If you were selling a $100,000 luxury automobile and i cam up to you and said…”I will give you $100k in 3 days as long as you take this $100 for now and sign this contract saying that i have exclusive sale rights for those 3 days….I will even give you an out clause that says i will give up my right if you find a buyer and all i want is $200 for my troubles….? What would you do??

New Business Credit blog with Gboogie

April 25, 2010

Its is friday night as i sit here and write this. I get several emails a day from people wondering if there is still such a thing as business credit. Because of the many changes banks have made to their lending requirements. This website is designed to give you knowledge needed to obtain financing for your business. The big business credit rush began long ago to give individuals with bad personal credit scores, and opportunity to still obtain certain financing while working to bring their personal credit scores back up. There are also those who are starting actual brick and mortor businesses and just need a little push to get them started. Some of these individuals have decent personal credit scores but do not want to personally gaurantee anything the business is applying for. Which ever category you fall into, it is always good to know that there is some work involved. Years ago you could have just half heartedly started a business on paper, order a few trade lines and wait until it hits your report. That is no longer the case. Now you have to actually set up a business which isnt really to much to ask. You simply have to have all of your ducks in a row as far as paper work. I believe this blog will help everyone navigate the site a little better. Each topic will be discussed in order. A few things from the members area will be alluded to, to make this beneficial to them as well. I will not actually reveal anything, but they will know what i mean. i hope this will help those who hate to have to go back through all of the videos just to recall one point. With that being said, ignore misplaced comma’s and things like (i type too fast). Here is the link to the page Enjoy.

I hope this will help everyone