Archive for the ‘modification’ Category

No Money Down Realestate with

May 4, 2010

Everyone has always been fascinated withe the concept of no money down real estate. So called gurus from dave del dotto (from the early 90’s) to carleton sheets, to russ whitney have all had successful creative real estate financing material. The one that always stood out the most was the no money down information. The concept is definitely a valid one and is practiced everyday even by millionaires. It actually applies to more than just real estate. In this short blog type format, i will attempt to explain it. The best way to describe “no money down” from the correct perspective would be to consider your self as a broker. You have no money to invest in, or purchase the property yourself. Your job is to bring to parties together and make a finder’s fee. That what contract flipping is. The purchase price of the property never matters. Your job is to simply negotiate the best price and terms(if possible), and to have a ready made list of potential buyers to shop it to. To make sure it is not sold out from under you, you use a contract. The contract will state how long you have to make the deal. It keeps others from being able to purchase the property unless they buy it from you. There are always signs everywhere that say “We buy houses”. It is very easy to put together a buyers list from the local investors in your area. It takes some time and experience to recognize a good deal, but sometimes you run across properties that are obviously a good deal. If shopped to the right investor, it will give you your start towards stock piling cash to go it alone without investors. In this economy, the best deals are found in rural areas outside your city limits. As the population grows along with the economy, Counties begin to annex these properties(making them apart of the city to supply the city with more tax dollars) Increasing the value. There are many different way to construct a no money down deal. Just always remember, its about creating a win win situation for all. I will leave it on this note for those that still dont understand. If you were selling a $100,000 luxury automobile and i cam up to you and said…”I will give you $100k in 3 days as long as you take this $100 for now and sign this contract saying that i have exclusive sale rights for those 3 days….I will even give you an out clause that says i will give up my right if you find a buyer and all i want is $200 for my troubles….? What would you do??

Gboogie M.A.F.I.A.

May 2, 2010

People have seen this reference on the website and have many questions. It is basically a system set up to give talented people an opportunity to work from home. It is primarily for those who are unemployed and have computer access around the clock. The individual would have to be on call 24 hours of the day via yahoo instant messenger. The company structure is set up like the hollywood version of organized crime. That being so, it must be noted that all of our activities are totally legal. They are just set up as “rackets” to keep things fun. Most come in as soldiers and must complete certain tasks to get “bumped up”(promoted). This usually involves bringing in money for the family. Soldiers that display talent and skill, will be up for consideration to be “made”. This brings you into the fold for life. Being made means more income streams and a higher cut of the “take”. Whether it may be an existing income producing website or starting a fresh one. Family members also keep all of their residuals through out every step of the process. As they climb the ladder the work they put in from the beginning continues to come in. The family will accept new members until it grows to a total number of 50. Using this number because only a small percentage will actually take advantage of the opportunity(at least from our experience). We plan to maintain a solid inner family of 30 people nationwide. Others that are interested by dont have as much time to devote may be considered as “connected”. Capos are chosen to run “crews”. For example, A Capo would serve as middle management over several websites or businesses. He/she would probably have a favorite guy/girl that they micro manage to. Crews are kept small to ensure there is enough for everyone and not a dog eat dog atmosphere. This also helps to cut down on marketing overlap. To even be considered as a potential soldier one must have yahoo messenger and be available at anytime even if he/she forwards the messages to their phone. You must sign up for a free affiliate account(seller accounts cost $5). You would also have to register with and all of the sites that they support individually(myspace,viddler,vheo,etc.). Lastly you would have to submit a photo of yourself for the family tree. You would have to send an instant message to to be added to the buddy list. Also be aware, If you intend on being an active participant your stats will be available for all to see. this will create a friendly in house competition and ensure that bonds grow over time. I write this only because i get emails for more information, so i hope this helps. As far as money and percentages. it varies by product and crew. Soldiers are sometimes also pick by geographical location to ensure that there is a member in every state. This guarantees nationwide distribution for whatever the family deals in, and ensure ite longevity. After that, we go country to country. lol

Busines credit webinar 2-20-10

February 18, 2010

There will be a webinar on business credit 2-20-10 9pm est. This webinar will be held at . Gboogie will be showing trade secrets on building fool proof business credit . He also will show you how to report trades on your personal credit using public filings. Seating will be limited. For more information go to . Look at some the videos on the front page. Its the real deal!